Page France - Trampoline Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Page France
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Trampoline Lyrics

Hey, hey, hey, you on the trampoline
Trying to see everything
Hey, hey, hey, sweet little Cherubin
Where has your papa been?
You've got the keys to his chariot
And I bet it looks hilarious
To watch it drag the terriers
And all the bugs that fair the earth
Through all the dams and barriers
Turn the vessel upside down
Turn the vessel upside down
Let us swim or let us drown
I am lost but I have found
(you) burn right through my palms
You burn right through my palms
Hey, hey, hey, you on the trampoline
Up above everything
Hey, hey, hey, sweet little Cherubin
Wanting to be let in
Be careful what you ask for
Because it burns right up your walls
It burns right up your walls
And I bet it looks hilarious
To watch it drag the terriers
And all the bugs that fair the earth
Through all the dams and barriers
Turn the vessel upside down
Turn the vessel upside down
Let us swim or let us drown
I am lost but I have found
Burn right down my walls
You burn right down my walls
You burn right down my walls
You burn right down my walls

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------ Performed by Page France

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