Earth Wind And Fire - Share Your Love Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Earth Wind And Fire
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Share Your Love Lyrics

Maurice White and Garry Glenn

Love is the light, gonna let it shine
Living each day, you're sure to find
Another heart that's warm and true
shining the light in return to you

Share your love, don't try to restrain it
Love, don't need to be afraid to
Love, everybody get together
Let every heart, around the world
do its part

The voice of love, ringing loud and clear
To every heart with a listening ear
Hostage of hate and these chain of fear
Send Dr. Love, they will disappear

Share your love, don't try to restrain it
Love, don't need to be afraid to
Love, everybody get together
Let every heart, around the world
do its part

You're number one, cause deep inside
feelings still abide
You're number one, you light the way
night becomes the day
You're number one, cause we feel it's true
Yes, inside we do
You're number one

Share your love, don't try to restrain it
Love, don't need to be afraid to
Love, everybody get together
Let every heeart, around the world
do its part

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------ Performed by Earth Wind And Fire

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