Prince - Segue (III) Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Prince
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Segue (III) Lyrics

Oh, ladies night at the club y'all
When they gonna have some live music down there?
U mean when they gonna have some chicken down there?
Get in y'all, hurry up!
Who's the DJ 2 night?
Who knows, we'll see when we get there
Let's go!
Record-scratchin' bastard's gonna get his ass whooped, whoever it is
Look out Tommy, who told U U could drive?
Now give me them keys
Oh, how U gonna see with that mask on?
Same way I saw your mama
... that!
Put me in the trunk
Ah, I don't know about this
Did anybody ask U what U knew?
Man, have U ever had your blood pressure checked?
Man, f**k that!

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------ Performed by Prince

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