Earth Wind And Fire - See The Light Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Earth Wind And Fire
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See The Light Lyrics

Larry Dunn, Philip Bailey and Louise Hardy

Lookin' through the clouds, what do you see?
Sky of gases, child in need
Troubles everywhere, more than I can bear
So I'm searching from within
Help them see the light

I'm a blossom, in the sun, sunshine of love
Singing loud to the one, I love above.
Shine on sun, let your light, guide my way.
For so long, there's been such darkness,
Got to be a better way
Keep me lord, help me to grow.
So I may, reap the fruits, of a free and happy soul.
Help them see the light.

Give me strength, when temptation calls.
Lift me up when life's battles make me fall.
Shelter me from the evil and the wrong.
So when ya call, dear lord, I said I'll be strong.

Walk with me, when the stormy nights are cold,
In your hand lies all control.

Master, then when my final song is sung,
With your mercy, I pray that you'll say well done.
Help them see the light.

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