Page France - Mother Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Page France
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Mother Lyrics

push-a push-a
square into a circle
there's-no there's-no
for you to worry
i'll be better when i'm older
i don't need no one to hold me
we all die the same way don't we
we'll all go to heaven won't we
that's what some old devil told me
i couldn't tell if he was joking

i bet he was
i bet he was

you don't you don't
look like all the others
it don't it don't
matter it's just that it's wonder
everybody's getting younger
making love or making lovers
you're just waiting for your number
for someone to put you under
i won't laugh but it's quite funny
how you enjoy being unlucky
you know you do
i know you do
we know you do
you know we do

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------ Performed by Page France

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