Martina McBride - Like A Broken Winged Dove Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Martina McBride
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Like A Broken Winged Dove Lyrics

Like a broken-winged dove,
Longing to fly,
Afraid to let go
of the life that she knows,
But wondering why.

All alone in the world,
all alone in the night,
No one to know,
No where to go,
but to seek God on high.

And she'll fly,
in His grace from above.
Freer than free,
That's the way it will be
In the Arms of His Love.

And she'll soar,
Like never before.
Over mountains and hills
by His Spirit and Will
On her way to the Son.

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------ Performed by Martina McBride

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