INXS - Keep The Peace Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): INXS
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Keep The Peace Lyrics

Keep The Peace

Should you fall into my arms again,
You know I'll pray with you,
(You know I'll pray with you...)
In my room at night, your vision shining bright,
I'm waiting for you,
(I'll be waiting for you...)

Dancing in the light,
Shadows fall from you,
Learn to watch your step - You come falling
In my arms again, in my heart again,
You will break like a butterfly

Keep the peace for what you're talking,
"Keep the Peace, Keep the Peace"
Walk of fame is where you're walking,
"Keep the Peace, Keep the Peace"

Keep a hold of what you're taking,
Even though the walls are shaking,
Keep the peace there's still tomorrow,
"Keep the Peace"

When you break into my arms again,
You know I'll stay with you,
(You know I'll stay with you...)
Now you're holding on, I'll be with you tonight,
I'll watch over you,
(Yeah, I'm watching over you...)

On the street inside, see the blinding light,
Am I dreaming - you come falling,
In my arms again, in my heart again,
You will break like a butterfly

Keep the peace, the walls are talking,
"Keep the Peace, Keep the Peace"
Walk of fame is where you're walking,
"Keep the Peace, Keep the Peace"
"Keep the Peace, Keep the Peace"
"Keep the Peace"
Keep a hold of what you're taking,
Even though the walls are shaking,
"Keep the Peace, Keep the Peace"

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