Pinocchio - Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Pinocchio
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Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee Lyrics

An actor's life for me
A high silk hat and a silver cane
A watch of gold with a diamond chain

An actor's life is gay
It's great to be a celebrity
An actor's life for me

An actor's life is fun

An actor's life for me
A wax mustache and a beaver coat
A pony cart and a billy goat

An actor's life is fun
You wear your hair in a pompadour
You ride around in a coach and four
You stop and buy out a candy store
An actor's life for me!

A sheet music version gives the following:

Hi diddle dee dee
An actor's life for me
A high silk hat and a silver cane
A watch of gold and a diamond chain

Hi diddle dee dee
You sleep till after two
You promenade a big cigar
You tour the world in a private car
You dine on chicken and caviar
An actor's life for me!

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