Indiana Bible College - He Just Cannot Fail Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Indiana Bible College
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He Just Cannot Fail Lyrics

Verse 1:
Awesome are His wonders
His mercies are ever new
He’s a God of miraculous power
Still there’s one thing God cannot do

Verse 2:
Glorious is His essence
Marvelous describes Him too
He’s a God of matchless splendor
Still there’s one thing God cannot do.

Oh, He just cannot fail
God just cannot fail
Out of all the things that God can do
No, He just cannot fail

Oh, He just cannot fail
No, God just cannot fail
Out of all the things that God can do
No, He just cannot fail.

Oh, He just cannot fail
No, God just cannot fail
Out of all the things that God can do (3x)
No, He just _______cannot ____________God just_______cannot fail. (3x)
Out of all the things that God can do
No, He just cannot fail.
No, He just cannot fail.
No, He just cannot fail.

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------ Performed by Indiana Bible College

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