Earth Wind And Fire - Good Time Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Earth Wind And Fire
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Good Time Lyrics

Maurice White, Robert Brookings and Sly Stone

It磗 the kind of a nite
U碿ould use a friend
You feeling a loss
And you need a win
A perfect eleven
Between one and ten
Got the right way
To make a sad nite end

If my mind
was being read
She made a natural move
As if I磀 said
Wanted to slow dance
My mind is on romance
And I want to score


From Rock and Roll
To RandB
Don磘 know what she said
Do know what she meant
One arm pointed
other arm bent

Making sounds you
seldom hear
moved her head
make it all clear
She gave me a card
For the handicapped
Say I磎 a specialist
At body rap


Come into my world
Be a believer a living achiever
See what your thoughts can guarantee


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------ Performed by Earth Wind And Fire

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