Christina Aguilera - Enter The Circus Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Christina Aguilera
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Enter The Circus Lyrics

Ladies and gentlemen
Boys and girls
Step right up, step right up
Come closer, you won't believe your eyes
Behind this curtain,
Witness something you've never seen before,
Heard before, dreamt before
The most amazing show on earth

La la la la la la la
It's the most amazing show on earth
La la la la la la la

Do you want to be widely entertained?
People to know your name?
Do you crave fame?
Well they say "things aren't always what they seem to be"
Even your greatest fantasies
You won't believe your eyes
Won't even recognise
The wonderment that lies
Behind the shimmer and the lights

Is it true what they say?
Is it all just fun and games?
Or is there more behind the makeup,
And the faces full of paint?

I ask you, do you want to come and play?
Get the world to come and play

So sit back, relax, fasten your seatbelts
It's going to be a bumpy ride to the other side

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------ Performed by Christina Aguilera

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