Earth Wind And Fire - Beauty Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Earth Wind And Fire
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Beauty Lyrics

Earth Wind and Fire

Oh when I look around me
This old world seems so troubled to me
* Does no one see
The beauty that surrounds them
Take a look around you now (sometimes)
Pretty little blossoms, oh yeah
Just as sweet as can be, yeah yeah
(You know) It troubles my mind
These troubled times we need love
You know it troubles my mind
These troubled times we need love
The world needs love, let there be love
Open up your heart and love more open up
Open up your heart and love more open up
Open up your heart and love more open up
Open up your heart, give a little love
love, love, love, love


**It troubles my mind
These troubled times

We need love, love, love, yeah

(**Repeat and fade)

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------ Performed by Earth Wind And Fire

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