Motley Crue - Anybody Out There? Lyrics (15007 bytes)

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Artist (Band): Motley Crue
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Anybody Out There? Lyrics

wanna be your dog
wanna be your man
let's break the speed of sound
'cause we're gooin' way too fast
lookin' for love??
lookin' for a lover
let me ask ya . . .
is anybody out there???
i'm gonna die
you're gonna die
we gotta live for tonight
'cause we're runnin' out of time
lookin' for a love
lookin' for a lover??
let me ask ya . . .
is anybody out there??????
waanna be your dog
wanna be your man
let's break the speed of sound
'cause we're goin' way too fast
lookin' for a lover, lookin' for a lover
let me ask ya . . .

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------ Performed by Motley Crue

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